My Personal Project

Projects I worked on during my free time

The Lab - Virtual Reality Experience

“The lab” is a Virtual Reality project created in Unity 3D game engine. “The Lab” is a physics-based sandbox game where the VR mechanics were made from the ground up using the Unity XR Toolkit. The focus of this game was to have a smooth player experience with how the player moves around and interacts with the environment. The game is supported on both HTC VIVE (Steam VR) and Oculus Rift platforms.

Based in a facility under the surface of Mars. You are guided around the laboratory by “Artiana” an intelligent AI which controls the facility. Your objective is to complete various puzzles in a number of laboratory tests to try and escape the hellish experiments. You are given a number of weapons to defend yourself against the enemies scattered across the laboratory that are there to slow you down. The weapon system is built on a complex system, with each weapon having insertable magazines and detectable weapon switches that allow the player to take out the specific ammunition they need for the corresponding weapon. The 4-legged enemies use a procedural animation movement which allows these enemies to move across any changing terrain without any predefined animation. On top of that these enemies use artificial intelligence which allows them to detect walls and wander around the map freely until they detect a player.